Monochrome Madness Challenge – Croatian Steps

I'm not sure if, having come home with so many photos of steps, it says more about an obsession I may have or the hilly terrain of Croatia. Either way, I think some of them look great developed in black and white for Leanne's Monochrome Madness Challenge. Hope you enjoy them too.

Photo Challenge – Cover Art

Often, it is difficult to keep this post to just 6 images (and sometimes I don't) and then, sometimes it is difficult to come up with 6 images but I always try. This week's Daily Post Photo Challenge theme is 'Cover Art' so coming up with 6 images is going to be a challenge. I... Continue Reading →

Contrasting Climates

Having recently returned from the blue skies of Croatia, and still having blue photos to post, I thought I'd go out today and grab some shots of the gloomy, grey, autumnal weather we have flown home to as it would contrast strongly with the holiday snaps.

Bonfire Night – Hastings dresses up AGAIN!

And, for the Xth annual event where the people of Hastings take to the streets in a bizarre and wonderful array of costumes, this time accompanied by torches, fire crackers, a huge bonfire (that I couldn't get anywhere near due to the crowds) and an impressive display of fireworks.

‘Back from me ‘olidays’

You may (or may not) have noticed an absence of posts over the past 3 weeks. That's because I've been on 'me 'olidays' - sampling the glorious delights of the Croatian coast - no prizes for guessing what my photos will be for the next few posts. So, lets get the postcardy ones out first.... Continue Reading →

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